Monday, November 30, 2015

Friendship Flow

When I was a little girl, my best friend was Mary Kay.  She lived down the street from me and we were inseparable.  When we reached high school, we were still friends, but we found different friend groups that were not similar AT ALL.  I punked and she prepped.  

Since then there were a few drifters, and a few solids.  I didn't really know what I was looking for, but I found myself extremely lonely in my new home school mother world in a different state.  I reached out to the home school group at church, and there were a few gems, but still I searched.

I watched Anne of Green Gables for the first time seven years ago.  I suddenly knew what I had longed for!  A bosom friend.  I prayed and the Lord answered.  Within the year, that bosom friend moved away.  We still talk, but it's not the same as popping over to each other's houses whenever we wanted.  When she left, she told me to contact this other person in our home school group.  I did, and that person became a good friend.  Your first bosom friend is your forever bosom friend.  So this next friend was a close second.

For a while, we were tight.  Think pb&j or peas and carrots, or anything and butter.  Our friendship rode through some turmoil and bounced back over the course of years.  Then, as if a rug was pulled out from under my feet, it was gone.  Neither of us said we were going anywhere, and neither of us did.  We just stopped talking so often.  We stopped seeking each other at out common places.  We stopped friending.  

Then an oldie/newbie came into the picture, who had been there, but we weren't exclusive.  We aren't exclusive now, but I trust her completely.  Our friendship formed over the past five years.  She's really an amazing person, not that my other friends are not, but I'm pondering on the ebb and flow of friendships.  

I know friendships have seasons and phases.  I know that some friends are forever friends no matter how long you're apart and don't talk.  You pick right back up.  I've been blessed with a few of those too.

I remember when I told God how sad I was that this other friendship felt like it was dying.  How I didn't feel like I could just go to her and tell her all things anymore.  I got a notion He was telling me that He would listen if I wanted.  I felt foolish.  Isn't this what He asks of us?  To be our forever friend?  Our bosom friend?  

Here I am, Lord.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Birthday/Turkey Day

Birthday festivities went off without a hitch.  There wasn't much to them except the all important getting the updated license stating 21 years old.  She went out with friends that evening, and everything was pretty low key.  
Nana and Papa the next day for a birthday dinner, and then Thanksgiving.  It went well.  Crazy as ever with the traveling from one place to another and eating two huge meals within hours of each other.  The family we dragged along with us did well too.  
So much to be thankful for, and I hardly ever stop to realize it.  I need to work on that.  Friday was a lounge day, and today we went for more birthday festivities.  This girl is lucky.  I hope she knows it, feels it, loves it.  
Tomorrow we take her back.  The kids are going to see where she lives and meet her friends.  Then it's back to ordinary life and settling in for advent.  Prepare ye the way of the Lord.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


- Meeting up with my first homeschool group friend and catching up.  It had been over a year, and we've been friends for 10 years
- A week of no stressful obligations coming up
- Some of the house cleaned, so I won't have to do much tomorrow to have a semi-clean house for Thanksgiving
- My faith
- Friends
- Being able to see my growth - almost as tangible as a measuring stick
- Slowing down
- Breathing more
- Making lunches for the needy
- Seeing two grown women cater to my Marley, so that she gets to help feed the hungry too
- Feeling welcome
- Waving goodbye
- Hot tea and honey
- Kevin
- Our new church

Thursday, November 19, 2015


When I was twenty-one, I was living at home.  I had moved back from a short stint of living on my own.  I was working at a travel agency from 9a-5p, would come home for dinner, and work as a waitress from 7p-2a.  It was a rough schedule.  I was good at both those jobs, and I thought I was saving up to move out with K.  She was four years old.
She is turning twenty-one next week.  When I type that sentence, it's hard to breathe.  I can't remember anything.  I saw a post about someone trying to remember when they last washed their daughter's hair since she could do it herself now.  I try to remember lasts with her.
The one I remember most was picking her up.  She was four years old.  I feel so guilty writing that because M is seven, and I'm still picking her up.  K and I were outside.  She had just given me a flower she had picked.  She was wearing jeans and a navy blue sweater.  I remember it because I have a picture of it.  That was the last time I picked her up, and it makes me sad.  
I am not a hugger.  It does not come naturally to me, so I work hard at it.  Because of this, K is not a hugger either.  I'm trying to turn her into a hugger by hugging her a lot more now.  She squirms, but I think she secretly likes it.  I'm getting used to it too.
I remember complaining to my mom a lot about these kids growing up.  She would always tell me it's just a phase, and I'd be complaining about the next phase too.  Maybe I would even want the prior phase back.  Words of wisdom.
I'm not sure why I feel like this is so permanent.  She was an adult at 18.  She still lives at home.  The only thing changing is her age.  She still calls for help on papers or decisions, so I'm not sure what my problem is.  I just know that I can't breathe, and I want to cry.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I stopped blogging.  Could you tell?  I thought it was becoming a time-waster.  Now I'm upset because more than a month has gone by, and I have no memories, written down at least.  I'm going to start back up, but this time it will be for me.  Memories and moments I want to remember and chronicle.  You can come along too, ok?

Kevin and I were remarried into the Catholic Church last month.  It was wonderful having our children there to witness.  We went on a short honeymoon to Ocean City.  It was like a ghost town, which was just fine for us.  We did some outlet shopping, eating, and some more outlet shopping, and some more eating.  :)  I had fun!  Poor Kevin and shopping.

My friend, Courtney, came the morning of the wedding and took our pics.  We found some stuff on Pinterest and then she tried it out.  She knocked it out of the park!  Let me show you.

There were more, but you get the gist of it.  I think they're fabulous!  That last one gets me every time I see it.  It's official.  We are really really married now. We have a new anniversary and graces showered upon us.  Thanks to all who made it happen.  You know who you are.