Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Behold, I make all things new.

God is working overtime in my life right now, and I'm loving every minute of it.  I won't go into details now but soon.  Since it's been a while, here's what's happening in the fam.

K- Home for the weekend and spent lots of time with the family.  It was really nice.  M wanted her birthday outing to be at the trampoline park, and we all got out of there with no injuries.  VICTORY!  K seems to be doing well and adjusting.  She has early morning classes and all her friends are health nuts.  She's in the process of training for her first 5K.  I hear a half marathon may be on the horizon also.  Craziness if you know this child.

R- Has her first job, and although only working one day so far, rocked it.  She's starting to sleep in later in the mornings, which is odd because she's always been our early riser.  Even as a baby, this child has been a 530a in the morning person.  On school days, it's awful to get her going, but on our off days, it's nice to let her sleep.  Has matured more coming into her 7th grade year.

L- Adjusting well to being back to school.  He still needs his hand held with some things.  It's a fine balance figuring out when he really needs help, and when he just doesn't feel like doing something for himself.  Still waits for me before going into mid-day prayer.  Bedtime has been going better, but first thing in the morning is still spent in our bed.  While Kevin doesn't mind it at all, sometimes I would like to sleep lay in.

M- Loves first grade and would probably be a lot more independent if she could read better.  Finished her math book and has moved on to a new one.  She's so excited, which I love because the rest of the kids inherited my math dislike.  Still seeks me out at school whenever she can and needs to know everything going on with my class.  She's L's partner in crime for the morning bed romp. 

100 days until Christmas!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Boy and his Horse

Logan loves horseback riding.  He's good at it, and he's making so much progress.  Boys are so much easier.  Unfortunately, we've had some issues with his riding lessons lately.  Let me show you.
Logan is allergic to horses.  This is a new development considering he's been riding for almost a year.  Poor kid.  We gave him Benadryl, and then the mom of the riding teacher, hosed him down (literally!).  He cleared up and took a bath when we got home.  All hives are gone.  He asked if this means that he can't do lessons anymore.  :(  He was so worried.  I assured him that we would make sure to have a change of clothes and medicate him before lessons.  We also might try gloves, but I don't know if he won't still rub all over his face.  They all do it, and it drives KJ and I crazy.  Hopefully, fall and winter will bring less allergies.